Welcome to THE BRITISH EXPERIENCE of EU4. What on earth do we have planned for today? Ok so today the spiffing brit is playing Europa Universalis 4 for your entertainment live just so he can have a good excuse to beat up the ai in this game and take over the worlds supply of tea! So sit back relax and get your own warm beverage as the spiffing brit attempts to go for total tea control in eu4! So join the spiffing brit as he takes control of England in Europa Universalis 4 and tries to create the ultimate british empire with unlimited tea!!! Now the game recently went on sale on epic games for free so today to increase our power and chaos the entire world is modified with a X10 modifier that will break the game in the post perfectly balanced of ways! Like creating immortal super soldiers! title: THE BRITISH EXPERIENCE X10!!! Conquering the world In EU4 just to get hold of THE TEA! Donations??? Superchats and the like shall be converted into the names of our generals and rulers. The provinces of our empire will go to members of the chat and other community contributors Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Spiffing Twitter: @thespiffingbrit Discord: https://discord.gg/spiffing